On the last Friday afternoon, I was reading in The SundayTimes Magazine of Feb 19, 2004, titled "The Birth of Nation" about how yewish people arrive to middle east, in the time when the UK was an Empire and controled Palestine. For some of them it was a new begining and a lot of city people had to learn hand works, It was seemed as a Promise Land to them. There are some interesting photographs taken by Paul Goldman.
Here some of them that I took from the magazine and others ( All photographs: Paul Goldman, from the Collection of photo art Israel LLC )
Arabians expelled from their villages by Israelis.

Britons're verifying documents.

Attack to the David Hotel

Ariel Sharon in 1957. Goldman somehow knew who would carve out history.

Here some of them that I took from the magazine and others ( All photographs: Paul Goldman, from the Collection of photo art Israel LLC )
Arabians expelled from their villages by Israelis.
Britons're verifying documents.
Attack to the David Hotel

Ariel Sharon in 1957. Goldman somehow knew who would carve out history.

An anonymous boy at Haifa Port in July, 1945. Eventually, that boy became chief rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau.
Haganah ship "The Jewish State" weighing anchor at Haifa port, October 1947. The immigrants were sent by the British to detention camps in Cyprus.
So I had propoussed to search more old photographs about the begining of Jerusalem State, but I found this interesting web http://whatreallyhappened.com/IMAGES/GazaHolo/index.html, it is a contrast with the holocaust and "israeli attacks" I don't sure if these attacks are true.
And then, I searched about Yewish in Perú, I know by near sources, there were some of them that came to Lima, Arequipa, Ica and other departments in the 20s and 40s. But I found an important article about an exposition by León Trahtemberg " The Yewish presence in Peru" done thank to our Republic Congress. ( link: http://www.ided.org/boletin/boletin19/b19-03-inmigracionjudia.doc), In the first part is about how the yewish helped to improve our trade and economy and mentioned some important yewish characters, but in the last part there are shameful actions by our goverment in those years.
And then, I searched about Yewish in Perú, I know by near sources, there were some of them that came to Lima, Arequipa, Ica and other departments in the 20s and 40s. But I found an important article about an exposition by León Trahtemberg " The Yewish presence in Peru" done thank to our Republic Congress. ( link: http://www.ided.org/boletin/boletin19/b19-03-inmigracionjudia.doc), In the first part is about how the yewish helped to improve our trade and economy and mentioned some important yewish characters, but in the last part there are shameful actions by our goverment in those years.
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