It was about one year, since I came out with the idea of being against social networks like twitter, Facebook, festuc, Hi5 or Buzz. We know that it's part of our daily life.
Some of the positives points are that thanks to these kind of websites we can know some information even before the news. Maybe it could help to support a fair cause, like here in my country, when a lot of followers joined against the murdered of a woman by football supporters. In countries like Iran was a perfect tool to make known the abuses and repression against demonstrations in the streets.
I think in the future there will be groups of people against these social networks. Maybe in a fashion way or a really serious way. Yes, I know there are some features in these web sites which help you to avoid undeserable and dangerous people. But there is a case in England, when a women met a man in facebook and after they became lovers, well and then some time of their relationship her boyfriend throw acid to her face.
These groups against to those web sites will born as all the movements against "unnatural or incorrect way" to to do some things, like Organic food, healthy food, ecotourism, or renovable energy. I said unnatural because it's better and natural meet people face to face than read all the information about him, which could be false information. At the same time, it's a violation of the intimity when someone can see your pictures or print them ( these have been happened, especially in my country) or even read your personal comments. For instance, there was a case in the U.S. when a woman left a twitt complaining about the bad conditions of her previous flat, and after that, she was sued by the owner of the building.
It's obvious that these groups against to "unnatural things" born to stay forever, because is the correct way without bad consequences, although some of them are expensive to support. Actually, some of them give an answer to the need of people to feel different from the rest.
I am not saying that the popularity of these social networks will completly dissapear this is impossible, but I think twitter and facebook will become only a way to keep informed people about current news.
Well, it's a great oportunity to make a business with this idea :) . By doing other social network where you only express your ideas face to face , or organising meetings with all the members. Is this impossible? Who knows...
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